Louisiana FORTIFIED Roof program is modeled after the successful Alabama model. Its important for homeowners and contractors to know the rules for obtaining a FORTIFIED Roof Certificate. Call or e-mail us if you have any questions about Louisiana’s LDI Fortify Homes.

Common Wind-Damage Mitigation
Fortified Roof
First the homeowner needs to decide if they want a regular roof or a trademark FORTIFIED Roof. Make sure to understand the difference between a (slang term) fortified roof and the (trademark term) FORTIFIED Roof. The slang is a strong roof with no insurance credit. The trademark is a strong roof with reduced insurance cost.
The roof isn’t just another part of your home; it’s the primary shield against nature’s elements. At Louisiana Inspection Services, our FORTIFIED Roof requires a certified FORTIFIED Roof Evaluator and is recommended to have a FORTIFIED Roof Contractor. These roofs are designed to ensure that this shield remains unbreachable, even during hurricane-level threats. We assess the current state of your roof, recommend fortifications, and guide you through potential upgrades. A fortified roof doesn’t just mean enhanced safety; it can also lead to significant insurance benefits. Elevate your home’s defense and peace of mind with our expert evaluation.
FORTIFIED Home™ IBHS spent decades studying the damage caused by hurricanes, tornados, and other severe weather events, and has identified common weaknesses in typically built homes. The organization then spent years finding the best solutions by testing them in the only full-scale research center in the world and used them as the foundation of the FORTIFIED program. Now, you can help your customers have peace of mind, when the next storm comes, by putting that science into action. The independent verification of FORTIFIED requirements is one of the three pillars of the FORTIFIED program. When combined with the FORTIFIED standard, itself, and the IBHS audit of documentation provided, it offers homeowner’s confidence that their home offers increased protection from severe weather. This essential service, provided exclusively by Certified FORTIFIED Home™ Evaluators, ensures consistent compliance to the FORTIFIED standard across the country.
Program Objectives All families deserve a home they can return to after a storm. With that guiding principle, the FORTIFIED program aims to meet the following objectives:
- Reduce risks facing homeowners by making new and existing homes more resistant to damage from hurricanes, tropical storms, hailstorms, high winds and wind-driven rain associated with thunderstorms.
- Make best-practice engineering and building standards available to anyone seeking to strengthen new and existing residential structures.
- Show recognizable benefits to the building industry, insurance industry, code jurisdictions, consumers, and other interested parties.
- Provide a uniform, voluntary, superior set of standards to upgrade a home and help improve its resilience by adding system-specific upgrades to minimum code requirements.
- Ensure that essential inspection and documentation services are provided to contractors and homeowners seeking a FORTIFIED designation.
Choosing a FORTIFIED Roof is not just about a stronger roof; it’s a commitment to long-term resilience. This program, recognized for its rigorous standards, is especially vital in areas prone to severe weather. The process begins with a thorough inspection by a certified FORTIFIED Evaluator who identifies specific upgrades tailored to your home’s needs. These upgrades are implemented by a skilled FORTIFIED Contractor, ensuring quality and compliance with the program’s high standards.
A FORTIFIED Roof goes beyond traditional roofing by incorporating advanced techniques and materials that significantly enhance its ability to withstand extreme weather conditions like high winds and heavy rains. This level of fortification not only adds an extra layer of protection to your home but also can lead to lower insurance premiums due to its proven resilience.
By choosing a FORTIFIED Roof, homeowners are making a wise investment in their property’s safety and value. It’s not just about meeting the minimum building codes; it’s about exceeding them for superior protection. The program also provides peace of mind, knowing that your roof has been evaluated and upgraded by professionals dedicated to the highest level of home protection.
Louisiana Inspection Services’ FORTIFIED Roof program offers homeowners a unique opportunity to significantly upgrade their home’s defense against nature’s harshest conditions while potentially enjoying the financial benefits of reduced insurance costs.